Protex AI is backed by Y Combinator

We're very excited to announce that Protex AI is backed by Y Combinator!

August 11, 2021
3 mins
Protex AI is backed by Y Combinator
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Announcement: Protex AI x Y Combinator

Hi everyone Ciaran and Dan here 👋

We're delighted to announce that Protex AI has been backed by Y Combinator and has participated in the Summer 21 batch. Y Combinator is regarded by many as the most prestigious (highly selective) startup accelerator programme in the world having funded some of the world’s most famous tech companies like Airbnb, Stripe, Dropbox, Coinbase and DoorDash.

Throughout the batch we’ve been working alongside so many amazing and innovative technology founders and companies. Being selected to participate in the S21 batch is further validation of our vision to protect the industrial workforce.

Learn how we're helping...

"We empower health and safety teams with camera monitoring software that understands safety compliance and identifies safety issues before they become a problem."

Keeping people safe at work is extremely hard and we’d noticed this before we started Protex AI. We both have family members who have been involved (directly and indirectly) in serious workplace accidents and this is part of the reason why we’re so passionate about protecting industrial workers. After talking to a couple of hundred health and safety (H&S) professionals we began to understand that modern safety cultures and practices are super reactive, you often have to wait for an accident to occur before something can be done about it (Read our take on this here). 

In order to be proactive and thus preventative H&S teams need to collect large amounts of data and analyse it to look for behavioural trends. This is currently done via intermittent safety audits where H&S workers have to physically walk the facility floors in order to identify risk and danger. This can be extremely difficult, time-consuming and tedious. Furthermore these audits only capture a snapshot of the full safety compliance story.

The reality is that modern industrial facilities are extremely complex and dynamic which makes the process of manually logging every observation, near impossible. The solution - a computer vision system (that plugs into existing CCTV infrastructure) that automates these audits, acting as a guardian angel protecting the industrial workforce.

Protex AI compliments existing H&S stacks by augmenting the data collected on safety events. The platform leverages the existing domain knowledge of H&S teams, allowing them to configure flexible safety rules. The software then autonomously and continuously carries out safety audits, identifying risk and danger before it becomes a problem. This data can be accessed in the Protex AI reporting engine, where it can be used for internal safety meetings (enabling a data-driven proactive safety culture), and to generate effortless document trails that can be used in insurance premium and claims discussions.

Want to find out more? We'd love to chat! 👈